India's domestic air passenger traffic rose 14.91 per cent last month to 90.45 lakh, official data showed on Thursday. "Passengers carried by domestic airlines during January-March 2017 were 272.79 lakh as against 230.03 lakh during the corresponding period of previous year thereby registering a growth of 18.59 per cent," aviation regulator DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) said in its statistical analysis. According to the previous data furnished by DGCA, domestic air passenger traffic had increased 15.77 per cent in February to 86.55 lakh from 74.76 lakh during the corresponding month last year.
The data showed that low-cost carrier (LCC) SpiceJet had the highest passenger load factor (PLF) during the month under review at 91.4 per cent.
In terms of PLF, SpiceJet was followed by budget passenger carriers AirAsia India, (87.8 per cent) and GoAir (84.8 per cent).
Also, the data showed that IndiGo led the industry with 88 per cent punctuality rate at four major airports of Bangalore, New Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai.
It was followed by SpiceJet (85.7 per cent), Vistara (85.1 per cent), GoAir (81.8 per cent), Jet Airways and JetLite (80.7 per cent), and Air India (79.7 per cent) on schedule.
In contrast, the overall cancellation rate of scheduled domestic airlines for March 2017 stood at 0.41 per cent.
21/04/17 NDTV
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The data showed that low-cost carrier (LCC) SpiceJet had the highest passenger load factor (PLF) during the month under review at 91.4 per cent.
In terms of PLF, SpiceJet was followed by budget passenger carriers AirAsia India, (87.8 per cent) and GoAir (84.8 per cent).
Also, the data showed that IndiGo led the industry with 88 per cent punctuality rate at four major airports of Bangalore, New Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai.
It was followed by SpiceJet (85.7 per cent), Vistara (85.1 per cent), GoAir (81.8 per cent), Jet Airways and JetLite (80.7 per cent), and Air India (79.7 per cent) on schedule.
In contrast, the overall cancellation rate of scheduled domestic airlines for March 2017 stood at 0.41 per cent.
21/04/17 NDTV
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