The Airports Authority of India (AAI) on Thursday said the new winter schedule has been released for the flights operating at the Chandigarh International Airport. According to the new schedule, the first morning flight will arrive at 9 am instead of 7.40 am and the last flight will depart from the airport at 7 pm instead of 5.55 pm. The first flight to arrive at the Chandigarh International Airport is Air India from Leh and the same one will depart for Leh at 9.40 am. In the evening, the Go Air flight to Mumbai will arrive at 6.30 pm and depart at 7 pm from the Chandigarh airport.
The new schedule has been implemented from Wednesday and will be in effect till the next amendment, AAI officials said.
An airport official said the few flights that were taken off from the schedule in December have been included in the new one.
Indigo has decided to start a direct flight to Hyderabad from Chandigarh from February 20. The same flight will operate to Chennai once it lands at the Hyderabad airport. The flight would first depart from Chandigarh Airport at 14.15 and arrive at Hyderabad at 16.35hrs.
03/02/17 The Indian Express
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The new schedule has been implemented from Wednesday and will be in effect till the next amendment, AAI officials said.
An airport official said the few flights that were taken off from the schedule in December have been included in the new one.
Indigo has decided to start a direct flight to Hyderabad from Chandigarh from February 20. The same flight will operate to Chennai once it lands at the Hyderabad airport. The flight would first depart from Chandigarh Airport at 14.15 and arrive at Hyderabad at 16.35hrs.
03/02/17 The Indian Express
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