Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Uneven runway makes landing, take off risky at Gaya airport

Gaya: Uneven runway surface and appearance of small pot holes across the 2200 meters long runway has made landing and take off at the Gaya airport hazardous. According to sources, pilots have to remain very cautious and some pilots have even officially complained against the quality of the runway to the authorities.
"The runway, as per the standard practice, needs major repair and re-carpeting every 10 years. The Gaya airport runway was done up in 2001 and as such the runway has outlived its normal life by about five years," said sources.
In view of the hazards of uneven runway, the Airport Authority of India (AAI), as per sources, has decided to undertake major repair work and the upper layer of the runway will be completely removed to make room for fresh laying and its subsequent re-carpeting.
The repair work, according to sources needs a minimum of 30 days and as such, operations at the airport will remain suspended for the whole of November to facilitate major repair. "Re-carpeting takes a longer period of time but that will also be done after post repair. The work will be done between 3 pm and 6 am. During that period no flights will be operated," said sources.
07/08/16 Abdul Qadir/Times of India
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