New Delhi: Thirty non-operational airports have earned only Rs 69 lakh in 2014-15 but the expenditure on them totalled over Rs 11 crore, with the government informing Rajya Sabha that it was trying to motivate airlines to fly from these places.
The 30 non-operational airports have earned a total revenue of Rs 0.69 crore during 2014-15 and made a revenue expenditure of Rs 11.13 crore during the year, as against revenue of Rs 0.40 crore in 2013-14 and revenue expenditure of Rs 12.97 crore, Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju said in reply to questions.
In the case of 25 AAI-operated airports which do not have scheduled flights but charters fly out from there, the revenue earned stood at Rs 100.33 crore as against revenue expenditure of Rs 298.60 crore in 2014-15.
In 2013-14, these airports earned a revenue of Rs 162.92 crore against an expenditure of Rs 297.64 crore as against Rs 61.89 crore earned and expenditure of Rs 234.63 crore incurred in 2012-13.
15/03/16 PTI/Economic Times
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The 30 non-operational airports have earned a total revenue of Rs 0.69 crore during 2014-15 and made a revenue expenditure of Rs 11.13 crore during the year, as against revenue of Rs 0.40 crore in 2013-14 and revenue expenditure of Rs 12.97 crore, Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju said in reply to questions.
In the case of 25 AAI-operated airports which do not have scheduled flights but charters fly out from there, the revenue earned stood at Rs 100.33 crore as against revenue expenditure of Rs 298.60 crore in 2014-15.
In 2013-14, these airports earned a revenue of Rs 162.92 crore against an expenditure of Rs 297.64 crore as against Rs 61.89 crore earned and expenditure of Rs 234.63 crore incurred in 2012-13.
15/03/16 PTI/Economic Times