A resident of Bhayandar, Mumbai and first-time flyer Vinod Kumar, was made to pay a fine of Rs. 200 after he was caught smoking a beedi inside an Indigo aircraft's washroom, reports Mid Day.
IndiGo flight 6E 183 was about to land in Mumbai on Wednesday morning, when Kumar reportedly went to the toilet and lit a beedi using a matchbox. After the crew caught wind of it, he was reminded that it's a punishable offence.
As per the Mid-Day report, security officials handed him over to the airport police station after the aircraft landed in Mumbai.
The airport police officials claimed that since he was a first time flyer, he was unaware about the rules.
25/03/16 Scoop Whoop
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IndiGo flight 6E 183 was about to land in Mumbai on Wednesday morning, when Kumar reportedly went to the toilet and lit a beedi using a matchbox. After the crew caught wind of it, he was reminded that it's a punishable offence.
As per the Mid-Day report, security officials handed him over to the airport police station after the aircraft landed in Mumbai.
The airport police officials claimed that since he was a first time flyer, he was unaware about the rules.
25/03/16 Scoop Whoop